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Most Catholic Schools to Reopen Offering Students In-Person Instruction 5 Days Per Week

St. Sebastian Catholic Academy in Woodside (Photo: Queens Post)

Aug. 18, 2020 By Christian Murray

The majority of Catholic schools in Brooklyn and Queens will be offering students in-person classes 5 days a week, according to plans filed by the Brooklyn Diocese with New York State.

The Diocese of Brooklyn, which oversees 66 Catholic academies and parish schools in Brooklyn and Queens, has submitted its 2020-2021 reopening plans to the New York State Department of Education.

The plans call for classes 5 days a week, with 100 percent in class instruction–at most of the schools. Each school has posted its individual plan on its respective website.

There will be a mandatory face covering requirement and social distancing in the classrooms and throughout the buildings, according to the diocese. There will be a daily health screen, including temperature checks.

Classrooms will be arranged so desks are 6 feet apart from each other and Plexiglas dividers or barriers will be used as added protection in some classrooms, bathrooms, and offices.

The Catholic schools that do not offer students 5-days per week in-class learning will adopt a blended model much like public schools. The diocese is also offering a 100 percent remote learning option.

The diocese said it has plans in place to quickly adopt a remote learning model if COVID-19 cases arise.

“We are prepared and excited for a full reopening in September,” Thomas Chadzutko, the Superintendent of Schools for the diocese, said in a statement.

Proposed classroom layout at St. Sebastian Academy according to school plans (Source: St. Sebastian Academy)

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