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Anti-Semitic Fliers Blanket Ridgewood Street

Halsey St. Station at Wyckoff Avenue and Norman Street (Photo: Google)

Aug. 15, 2019 By Shane O’Brien

Police are investigating an incident of anti-Semitism in Ridgewood after residents discovered hundreds of obscene flyers bearing anti-Semitic language near an entrance to the Halsey Street L station on Wednesday evening.

The flyers were littered across Norman Street, close to Wyckoff Avenue, and featured an aerial image of a Jewish man wearing a Kippah with a Star of David on top. The image was accompanied by the words “worthless f**king cancer filled Jew.”

The flyers were first discovered by a local Ridgewood resident named Drew, who asked that his full name be omitted out of fear of retaliation.

Drew found the flyers at approximately 6 p.m. on Wednesday Aug. 14 and said that he was so horrified by what he saw that he didn’t even think of calling the police.

“I didn’t even think of calling the police, I was just absolutely horrified. I’m a Jewish individual and I was just horrified to see a flyer with what was written on it in that area. I didn’t think there were people that would print that sort of stuff about somebody’s religion,” Drew said.

The Ridgewood resident said that he tried his best to pick up the flyers, but that rain earlier in the day had made that task more difficult. He said that it was troubling how much effort had gone into the design of the flyers.

“Based off the flyer, it was somebody with the sophistication and knowledge of editing software who made the flyer. It wasn’t amateur, it took effort and creativity to put that together. It was someone who spent an hour or two on a computer making it.”

Flyer Found in Ridgewood (edited)

When Drew returned to Norman Street at around 7:30 p.m., he said that members of the NYPD were investigating.

Police confirmed that a complaint had been filed regarding the incident and said that the NYPD Hate Crimes Unit had been notified. Many residents learned of the hate-filled message when it was posted to a local Facebook group last night.

Council Member Robert Holden condemned the flyers, stating that it was sickening to see anti-Semitism of any kind.

“It was absolutely sickening to see such a display of hatred,” said Holden. “Anti-Semitism and all forms of discrimination are not tolerated in this city, and I trust the NYPD to make that clear by finding the perpetrator.”

The incident occurred just two days after three Jewish men were attacked in nearby Williamsburg in the early hours of Monday morning, with NYPD Hate Crimes Unit also investigating that incident as a potential hate crime.

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Richard Kostelanetz

who saw all the fliers on the block? (I didn’t.) And who made the picture that turned on the press to come knock on my door, surprised? I now think it was a staged event (and the photo perhaps a fake) designed to prepare the press for a later outrage that i can’t imagine.


You need help?
You also need to practice what you preach.
Everything you just said about Trump. JUST saying

Jackson Hts Ger

Why do you blame
everything on him.
Don’t you have a mind
of your own. Just asking?


Every freaking thing is anti Semitic nowadays. I would be surprised if the Jews did that flyer themselves !!! Look at israhell!! How can that Zionist bullshit be tolerated. BDS!!! I’m sure some black ,gay ,brown ,Hispanic ,Muslim or any other group has had much worse treatment but it doesn’t make the news!!!!! BDS.

WHite Catholic non racist

Beg to differ black, brown,
and hispanic BS is in the news everday. What makes
the Jews different? OH got it their predominantly white. And the President is
racist! Just asking.

their white

news everfsy

Miriam holdverg

What a complete Whitehead you are. Braindead or what. You are the one who did these flyers. We will hunt you down.

Sara Ross

The lowlife sewer slime who spread this hatred don’t even know what it means. They just know it’s something against Jews. They need to teach all grades about symbols of hate – most didn’t start out as symbols of hate, but somebody came along and changed it. Freedom of speech is one thing. Spreading hatred, isn’t in the Constitution.

Bobby The Cat

In a day and age with security cameras everywhere, it proves haters are primarily stupid.


this is fully protected activity under the First Amendment, unless all flyer incidents are investigated. This will just make more of the goyim hate jews for trying to get the police after someone who has not even committed a crime.


There may not be a substantial hate crime here, but police often use circumstantial claims to pursue a perp. In this case littering and harassment may be grounds for identifying the responsible party. If any where placed on public or private property this could be defacing/destruction of property. If the person is identified and charged with small crimes, it give society the chance to issue other social condemnations. Perhaps the person works in a place that does not tolerate discrimination and this would be grounds for being fired. Or perhaps they attend a church that condemns this type of behavior and they would be forced to have a tough conversation about their internal hate.


Oh really? — should we all just accept and normalize this sort of behavior – just as we unfortunately do nowadays with that shameless & irresponsibe con-man in the White House, the one who shouts “fire” daily in the crowded theatre of this nation with his hate-filled & vindictive tweets?
How would YOU like it if someone was encouraging hate or violence towards YOUR religion or lack of religion or ethnic group or race?
Would you just say forget about it?
We do NOT have the “right” to harass or intimidate or threaten our fellow New Yorkers
It was just this sort of thing that inflamed & poisoned the mind of the shooter in El Paso.
Do you want THAT in our diverse city my friend?
God, I hope not.
In fact it’s my hope that you’re just a Russian bot trying to sow division & chaos in our country again.
Comrade, it’s not gonna work this time.
Rights do not exist in a vacuum and neither do we. The bottom line is that all our rights in America come with responsibilities, especially the need to respect the rights of our fellow citizens to live in peace without being harassed or intimidated – or worse.
It’s simply what you or I or any responsible person would want and expect and demand from others in a civil society. For without that civil society ALL our rights are worthless.

Jackson Hts Ger

Why do you blame
everything on him.
Don’t you have a mind
of your own. Just asking?


You need help?
You also need to practice what you preach.
Everything you just said about Trump. JUST saying


Littering isn’t. Nor is obscenity. May wanna brush up on your knowledge of US law there….


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