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April 15, 2020 By Allie Griffin
All New Yorkers must wear a mask or face covering while in public spaces where social distancing isn’t possible, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced today.
Cuomo will sign an executive order today to mandate the face covering requirement in places across the state where people aren’t able to keep six feet apart from others.
“If you’re going to be in public and you cannot maintain social distancing, then have a mask,” he said.
New Yorkers will be required to put the masks on before they walk on busy streets, take public transportation, or in other situations where they’ll be in close proximity to others.
The covering or mask should cover a person’s nose and mouth, Cuomo added.
The mandate will go into effect in three days, so that people who don’t already have a cloth covering or mask can get one.
It comes after Mayor Bill de Blasio issued an advisory asking New York City residents to wear a face covering in public on April 3. At the time, Queens Council Member Robert Holden said the advisory should be made mandatory.
This morning, the mayor said grocery stores and supermarkets should require shoppers to wear a mask or face covering.